Contact Us

Office Hours

Our Office is open Monday through Thursday, with hours that can accommodate most any schedule. We know that your time is important, and we work to ensure that your visit happens as professionally and quickly as possible.

Get in Touch

Thank you for your interest in our office! We want to hear from you! You may email, call, fax, or send us a good ol’ fashioned letter. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have. Your suggestions are what keep our services a step above the rest. A team member will respond to any email messages as soon as possible. If you need to contact us about a dental emergency, please call us for faster results..

Contact Now

Phone number

(816) 478-1010
Fax: 1-866-583-3990

Email Address

Our Address

71 NE Anderson Lane Lee’s Summit,
MO 64064

Fast Reservation